Christmas Message, Hyeji's choir concert, and Foster's 1st birthday

 Christmas Message    

I found this video on Youtube when I was looking for a devotional for my final institute class of the semester.  I felt the spirit so strongly as I watched the different scenes from the life of the Savior.  Watching each of the people that played a part in the greatest event to ever happen on this earth filled my heart with a special feeling for each one of them.  As you watch the video, think about what each of the people in this story means to you.  

O Come, Emmanuel


Roy took Hyeji to her choir concert.  I was finishing up my institute class, Dan was at a work party, and Jieun was home under the weather.  Grandpa enjoys watching his grandkids perform.

Hyeji is growing up to be such a beautiful young woman

Clip from Hyeji's choir concert.  I had to really look to find Hyeji in the group, but she is there!

Foster's first birthday

Jennie had a birthday party to celebrate Foster's first birthday.  Her cousin on Jordan's side is also turning one, so they had a double birthday party out on 13300 South.  Roy and Caitlyn went together.  I stayed home because I have been fighting the "roller coaster cold" for the past month or so.  It's a roller coaster cold because, as soon as I'm sure I'm better, I find myself at the bottom again.  (Lucky for Roy I was feeling well enough to give my lesson in Gospel Doctrine today, so he didn't have to do it.  I didn't feel well enough to sing with the choir, though).

Foster and Yuli

Foster with Doyeon, Yuli and Hyeji;  Foster and her mom with the rag doll grandma made her
Foster with her cousin Everett and her Aunt Arianna, Jennie and Jordan; 
                                                                                     Foster with her first birthday cake

Dan, Hyeji, Roy, Doyeon Jennie
Caitlyn, Foster, Yuna and Jordan

At church on Sunday.  Roy and I gave Foster the Minnie Mouse outfit before she
was born.  It's a 6-9 month.  I think Jennie forgot about it. 
 It's a good thing she's really tiny for her age.


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