Happy Halloween, Happy Birthday to Zack, and a Marathon.

Beverly received the student of the month award at school!
Cub is interested in many things--for a few seconds.  This homemade play dough
kept his interest for at least 10 minutes! which helped with my babysitting duty.

Baby Zack is one!  We all met on Saturday to celebrate him.  He's such a 
sweet, happy baby.  We are happy to have him in our family.
Doyeon and Ollie both had birthdays in October.  It's fun when we can take two grandchildren
together on their birthday dates.  It was fun to watch these two interact.  They obviously like being together.  We all had a great time.

On the left is grandpa R. and Foster.  Grandpa didn't recognize Jennie at first.  It has been a while since she's been down to see him.  On the right is our pole barn in Flaming Gorge.  Roy and I went up for a couple of days last week to clean and organize.  Below:  A deer just on the ridge above our cabin.  While we were in the gorge the weather was gorgeous!  The day after we left it turned cold and snowy.  


We only had three of our grandchildren trick or treat to our house.  Foster, Dojin and Yuli (Dan's in the background).  As the grandkids grow up, they want to go out and trick or treat in their own neighborhoods, or at least party with their friends.  


Crista, Matt, Zack, Todd, Ruby, Greta and Bridget as "The Incredibles."  

Nick and Sara's kiddos: Avie: Sally,  Camden: Shark; Ori: Lifeguard; Effie: Bat girl

AJ and Cub

Cub helping with the pumpkin carving.

Cub, Gunnar, Ila, and Finn

The Jacksons: Harvey, Mav, Max and Beverly

Shark and shark victim

Zack's 1st birthday celebration!

Zack liked his smash cupcake.  I don't think he gets much sugar, normally.

Cub didn't eat his lunch, but he liked the ice cream and brownies!  Camden won't give us much attention, but at least he'll smile for a picture.  Dallin is behind Cam.

Crista and Matt have a great gym in their basement for the kids.  Doyeon kept hiding from my camera, but I got a good picture here.  Dojin was a little more accommodating.

Ruby and Yuna were having fun at archery

Effie.  Todd and Camden, actually getting along!

Greta and Ila.  Great friends!

Foster, Bridget, and below, an upside down Avie.  She didn't want to be photographed.  Things are different now than they were when I was a child.  Pictures are taken more often and are seen immediately.  It makes a difference with the attitude the kids have about it.

Adrienne won a spot in the New York Marathon and she is currently in New York to participate.  Below are some pictures from the event.  The group she's participating with is the Women's Sports Organization (I think).  This is an amazing achievement.  Congrats, Adrienne!

Adrienne in New York

Adrienne averaged about 9 minute miles and made her goal of finishing in under four hours.  Pretty impressive on a stress fracture.

Phil and Char are on their way home.  One of the members who has done tailoring through the Self Reliance program, made them their outifits.  

We had stake conference this past weekend.  A couple of talks really stood out to me.  One man, a lawyer, spoke of a client that had been involved in a legal dispute with his former partner for over four years.  After listening to President Nelson plead with us to make things right with anyone with whom we have any sort of dispute, one of the clients decided he'd like to see what he could do to make things right.  There was some doubt that this man would be able to be successful, especially when he mentioned that he wanted his former partner to admit that he was wrong.  The lawyer told him that this would definitely not work, but that he would have to approach this without blaming anyone.  In due time, the man met with the opposing party--in private--offering him a reasonable settlement.  The man took it well, but asked to think about it.  Soon his lawyers came to the first man's lawyer and counter-offered.  After two or three counter- offers, an agreement was reached.  What had seemed to be a case that could go on indefinitely, came to a conclusion because one man determined to follow a Prophet of God.
The other talk that really touched me was a young woman, recently returned from a mission from Laie, Hawaii.  She had learned to speak Chinese from the Chinese immersion program offered in her school.  She said that she was very disappointed to be sent to Laie, where there is a high number of church members (she said 92%).  She had so wanted to be sent somewhere where she could speak Mandarin.  After having served for some time; she and her companion came across a farmer.  They tried to talk to him, but he said that he didn't speak English and was not interested.  When they spoke to him in his language, his tone completely changed and he became friendly.  After they taught him, they were able to teach a whole community of farmers that had recently immigrated from China.  Many of them joined the church, and before this sister went home, a new Chinese branch had been formed.  She testified that the Savior had known just where she would be able to best use her talents and serve.  She realized that God will send us where He needs us.  


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