July the Fourth 202

Over the fourth of July weekend, Nick and Sara and their friends, and Roy and I went to the Gorge.  We spent the fourth and the fifth boating (it was crowded, but only while putting the boat into the water).  On one of the days, after driving through the Gorge all the way to the dam, we stopped to swim.  Nick thew the anchor into the lake and we enjoyed an hour or so swimming around.  Ori and I even found an anchor that was in great condition.  We got our exercise swimming it from a little island to our boat (carrying it between us).  The wind started to pick up so we packed up to go.  Nick pulled in the anchor and found that there was fishing line caught up in it.  He pulled in the anchor, then he pulled in the fishing line--and... he caught a fish!  Roy thinks it may have been on the hook for a while just living off what he could find close by.  We released him back into the water, a much happier fish!  Nick's friend Eric had a little mishap with the garbage, too.  He tried to attach it to the top of his car to take it to the dumpster.  He thought he could make it easier by dumping it at the Sinclair instead of taking it all the way to the dock where we told him he could dump it.  The lady working there came out and yelled at him and said he couldn't dump his garbage there.  He reattached it, drove a few hundred yards, and lost the garbage all over the road.  Nick called us to see if we could grab some extra garbage bags.  By the time we arrived, the garbage was all in a neat pile so it only took them a second to take care of it (Eric said as soon as the lady walked back into the store, several people threw their trash in the dumpster there). 

Earlier in the week, we drove to Logan to spend the day with Crista and her family.  First priority: take Bridget on her birthday date.  She wanted to go to Zupas and Walmart.  We're always glad when our grandchildren choose something besides Chic-fil-et or other fast food 😃.  We told her she could buy clothes instead of toys with her birthday money if she wanted, but she said, "No, I like toys better."  

Bridget, grandpa and grandma on her birthday date

2nd of July activites (for the 4th)

Adrienne was brave and had a dinner to celebrate the 4th of July (on the 2nd).  The car show that Bruce used to be in charge of has really grown, to include bounce houses and carnival rides.  We didn't get there early enough to participate in that.  Our grandchildren lost interest in the cars fairly quickly and ended up doing acrobats in an open area of the lawn.  It was a surprisingly cool evening for July 2 and very enjoyable to be outside.

Ila, Yuli, Camden, Todd, Avie (front row)
Doyeon, Ori and Ruby (back row); Greta and Ruby (and Yuna) on the golf course.

Caitlyn and Dallin enjoyed the cars; Yuna on her way to do some gymnastics

Family at the car show

Todd at the car show

We walked from Adrienne's house to the golf course and back.  I thought it was cute watching my grandkids walking in front of. me.  Dojin, Hyeji, Roy, Yuna, Ruby, Avie, Ila, Doyeon, and Matt with Bridget.  Sadly, Finn had a tummy ache and didn't feel like coming, so Adrienne and AJ (and Cub) stayed home with him.

Effie, Ila and Greta.  I love how they're great friends.

Yuna holding baby Zack.  He has to wear the helmet for about 3 more weeks.  His next surgery is in September.  Nick, Matt, Crista, Caitlyn, and Adrienne.  Matt held his pose for over 4 minutes, but Dan competed afterwards and held his plank a few seconds longer.  
Zack and Cub with Crista;  Adrienne, Hyeji, Dojin, Dan and Cub

Roy and I took off to the Gorge on Wednesday (the 3rd).  Crista stayed and hung out with Adrienne.  The two of them went to the parade to see Hyeji with all the cheerleaders for Centerville, Jr. High.  

Zack is gaining a little bit of muscle control and he could handle this bounce seat for a little while.

We're grateful that Dan and some of his family and Crista and Matt and their family drove all the way to Santaquin on the 4th to wish Verl a happy 95th birthday.  I'm sure he was happy to see them.
At left: Dan, Yuli and Verl;  At right: Verl, Greta, Bridget, Todd and Ruby with Crista, Zack and Matt.  

Todd showing off some new jammies.  He loves to smile for the camera

Nick's family also came to the Gorge with us and they brought some friends.  Roy and I made the right call to stay in the trailer.  That allowed us to get away from some of the chaos.  The Goold kids were very well behaved, but it's too exciting when you have 8 kids get together for a vacation.  Here, Ori is giving rides to all the little kids.  If it wasn't their turn, they'd chase the tractor around the house.  It was great fun!  Ori wanted to give me a ride.  I said I'd give her a ride, but there was no way I was sitting in the back 😀.

Roy bought a few fireworks on the way to the cabin.  Even though they're technically legal in Wyoming, Roy chose the fireworks that were closer to the ground because it's so dry there.  There were many fireworks going on around us (both in Utah and Wyoming) that weren't so conservative.

We're attempting to get Sara trained on the boat so she and Nick can do it all without us there.  Nick's still a little nervous to back the boat into our pole barn.  

Ori and Sara left on Saturday evening to get back to Bountiful.  Because of Nick's polyp issues, the doctor wanted Ori to have a colonoscopy.  Below she's eating her last meal before starting the prep.  Thankfully, no polyps were found.  She can wait for 10 years before having another test.

Another trip up to the Gorge for the weekend.  We're getting a lot of use out of the cabin.  We've had the boat out more this year we were able to do all of last summer.  We didn't take a lot of pictures, but here are two videos.  We had great water in the morning both days, but the wind almost always kicks up in the afternoon.  

When Keith and Ciudy came for hamburgers last week, they brought us some home grown beef "to replace what we were serving."  They gave us about 5 lbs.  These were delicious hamburgers.

Dallin had the knack of toasting marshmallows.  Roy and Catharine on the boat

Dallin, Cait and Roy at the rodeo (I stayed home for a rest)

I like to put a spiritual thought in my letters, but it's a miracle I've managed to finally get these two weeks recorded, so I'll push the thought to next week.


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