
Showing posts from April, 2024
There's a new movie out called, Escape from Germany.  I haven't seen it, but it's about missionaries during World War II making a miraculous escape.  Somehow Evan thought I'd talked to him about how my grandfather was somehow involved in this story.  I'm not sure who he talked to, but it wasn't me.  Also, it was more my mother's generation than my grandfather's.  It sparked my curiosity about whether or not my grandpas had served missions, so I called Dave.  He told me that as far as he knew, Grandpa Clyde did not serve a mission, but my Grandfather Cook served for 6 months in Texas.  He was limited to 6 months because of his farming responsibilities.  He also served with a full beard.  I can't remember which prophet was leading the church at that time, but he wore a beard and my grandfather loved him.   While my grandparents were too old to be involved in missionary work during WWII, my uncle Blaine was not.  He served in Czec...

Another side X side ride (Nevada/Arizona)

Family News This past week we've either heard from or spent time with some of our grandkids.  Below are pictures of Foster eating an oreo (scraping out the frosting first, without ever being instructed); and Todd, declaring to his mom that this large orb on his counter was a "car egg."  Crista thought this was hilarious, so she proceeded to put a toy car inside the cantaloupe to see how he would react.  In the video below you can see that he can't be fooled quite so easily. Adrienne This next paragraph is written by Adrienne to share some of her good news: "About 2 months ago I had a friend say that the WSF (Women's Sports Foundation) was accepting applications for their team to run the 2024 NYC Marathon as part of their foundation. I have wanted to run a marathon for years, really since I started running 16 years ago. In my mind I figured my chances were slim, but why not fill out the application and see what happens. I was accepted to have an interview over...