Last week, after publishing the letter, we had family dinner and everyone came except the Jacksons. The cousins especially enjoyed their time together. I wanted to share the pictures that were taken because you can see the joy the kids have in playing with each other (especially when they play dress-ups!) Yuna and Yuli; Ila, Bridget (Adrienne and Cub in the background) Todd is so happy when he plays cars at grandpa's house. His favorite cars/motorcycles, etc. are the ones that are "off limits." Of course, it turns out that not much is off limits when it comes to Todd. Nick was the favorite uncle of the week. He played with the grandkids in the yard most of the evening. On the swing: Dojin, Bridget, Camden and Avie Then they found the dress-ups! Ila; Effie Ruby; Ila, C 3 PIO and Todd (I'm honestly not sure who is in the mask--maybe Finn). Ollie played the stud; Camden was Batman Bridget, Hyeji; Ori and many kids in the background Princess Yuli Ba...