Spring Activities

A small taste of spring weather

I am hoping for a few more days of spring weather.  Tuesday and Wednesday were beautiful, but Thursday I woke up to snow flurries.  Luckily they were light and had no staying power, but I still had to dress warmly to go teach my water aerobics class.  I like it when I can run to class with just a cover-up over my swim suit and flip flops.  I haven't been able to do that this year (except for Tuesday).

Wednesday afternoon I picked up Ila from pre-school so I could take her on her birthday date.  Adrienne had told me that she'd seen something at Costco she was interested in, so after picking her up I asked, "Are we going to Costco?"  Ila said, "No, I changed my mind.  I want to go to Lush."  I was quite surprised that a 5 year-old wanted Lush products for her birthday.  So, we had a fun date at Station Park picking out a couple of things to make her baths more fun.  She told me she has a shower or a bath every day now.  After shopping we went to play in our backyard.  It was one of the few nice days we had during the week.  Ila  hurried over to check for eggs.  We found three and I took them inside.  She then proceeded to check for eggs every few minutes, just in case one of the chickens decided to lay another one.  Roy took her on a side-by-side ride back to her mom at the park where Ollie had a sport practice of some kind.

We also took Hyeji out for her birthday.  She picked out some clothes, then I offered her $5 to find the key I had lost inside my car.  It only took her a few minutes, but it was hidden pretty well between the seat and the seat belt.  We still owe Finn a birthday date.  

Gunnar shared that he and his group won the district Battle Book Championship.  I don't think this is the first time he's been on the winning team.  He is a reader (like his grandma!)

I haven't seen much of Foster this week, but Jordan shared her picture.  She's a sweetheart, always smiling.


Caitlyn participated in the Adult National Skating Competition since it was conveniently held in Salt Lake.  Her group had eight competitors, but there were four categories combined into one, so while Caitlyn had an elegant, beautiful skate, her competetors were dressed in interesting costumes--one was a penguin, one a baseball player, one a strawberry, one a ghost/phantom/zombie, we weren't sure which.  I wondered how in the world they could compare and score the different programs.  Caitlyn took fourth, but further examination of her scores showed that she took first in "technical."  Unfortunately, that was weighed the least in this unusual competition.  She skated beautifully and received a 4th place medal for her efforts.  We were proud of her just for receiving a medal at a national competition.

Adult National Skating Competition

Caitlyn with her coach, Rachel Lauder

Caitlyn with the winning group

Roy took a video, but the netting around the rink is annoying.  I think they may have done a professional video.  If so, we may need to buy it.  

A couple more pictures

Ori with her cool 3D glasses (at church!)

Christine sent me these two pictures: I recognize myself here
--I just don't always recognize myself when I look in the mirror.


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