The Side by Side Ride
I have received my first assignment as an institute teacher. I'm not sure if I'm happy or sad that I'm just a sub for this semester as the enrollment for the summer wasn't large enough to give classes to all the newly trained instructors. I'm going to be teaching a class on John 7-10. After looking through the chapters, I checked to see what the Come Follow Me suggestions were for these chapters. I hadn't realized that the class is directly following this program. So, I'm reading John 7-10. I haven't planned out my class yet, but I have really enjoyed studying for it. I love how the Savior reaches out with such compassion. It is in these chapters that he heals a man who was born blind and stands up for the woman taken in adultery. He also testifies of who He is. In chapter 8 the Savior says to the skeptical leaders, "Before Abraham was, I AM" In saying this "He was declaring to the Jews that He was Jehovah, the same Being who s...