The introductory paragraph in this week's Come Follow Me included this quote:
"Scriptures enlighten our minds, nourish our spirits, answer our questions, increase our trust in the Lord, and help us center our lives on Him." --President Bonnie H. Cordon
Nan came over for lunch on Friday. We were going to meet Christine, too, but she received word that her father-in-law didn't have long to live. She has been his major care giver and wanted to be with him. She hurried over and it's a good thing she did. He passed away at 11:45 that morning.
With the change of plans I decided to make lunch for Nan. I made pear and pecan salad and it was every bit as good as one a restaurant could make. We also munched on our cherry tomatoes. We had a really nice visit and she told me a story about a recent service project she was involved with:
Nan's stake had planned a service project of making stuffed bears for Ukraine. Boxed lunches were served, but so many women showed up that they ran out. Rachel went with her mom and they had a lot of fun making the bears. Nan told me that there "just happened to be someone in their stake who had been employed to work with the refugees from Ukraine and she made many trips to the area, so she offered to take the bears with her on her next flight. Then the airlines "just happened" to allow her to take all the bears for free. When they arrived, one of the men was quite rude saying that what was needed were food and bandages, not a bunch of teddy bears, but as he began helping them to distribute the bears to all the children, and began to witness their joy, his entire attitude and demeanor changed. Nan said they were later told that when the entire project had been planned and approved, there was not a war on in Ukraine. She could see how the Lord had his hand in the entire process. We had a wonderful and uplifting conversation about how subtly the spirit works in our lives.
Some of this week's happenings:
We are proud of Jieun. She entered her painting into the Utah State Fair this year and won first place.
Yuli doesn't understand why everyone gets to go to school but her. |
Nick and Sara and kids had an opportunity to visit Grandpa Verl this week. He seemed in good spirits. |
Baby Shower
Jennie had her first baby shower with Jordan's side of the family. Jordan's "Aunt" Susan put on a nice lunch for several of Jennie's friends--both wives and husbands. Of our family Jieun and Dan, Sara and me, Ori, Avie, Camden and Yuli were able to attend.
Jordan, Jennie, and Yuli. Yuli loved helping Jennie open her presents. Jennie is holding the blanket I made for her. |
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