End of the year activities
The Joseph Smith production is over, so my Sunday evenings should have cleared up, right? Wrong. I still have quite a few responsibilities as the Stake YW President, and today has been and will continue to be very full. This morning we met with the stake council, and as usual, it was an uplifting meeting with the focus being on repentance. We have been asked by our prophet to repent daily--but what does that mean? It is more than just a few words in our prayers--"please forgive me for all my sins"...it is a commitment to try and be a little better each day. We all make mistakes, we all sin, but one mistake doesn't mean it's all over for us. Bro. Wilcox' talk was referenced--"Worthiness is not Flawlessness." This made the discussion even more interesting to me since I've been asked to substitute teach a Relief Society lesson next month on that very talk.
So, what is the
definition of worthiness?
D&C 10: 67 Behold, this is my doctrine—whosoever repenteth and
cometh unto me, the same is my church. 69 And now, behold, whosoever is of my church, and
endureth of my church to the end, him will I establish upon my rock, and
the gates of hell shall not prevail against them.
As Brother Wilcox emphasized in his talk, The important thing is to always keep
Our church is a little late this year--it starts at noon. Church is next on my agenda. Almost immediately following church I have a meeting with the youth council to finalize everything for our youth conference in June. And almost immediately following that meeting, I need to hurry to the chapel to prepare for Seminary Graduation. It's awesome to be busy doing the Lord's work on the Sabbath (though I admit, 7:00 am meeting start is a bit early for me).
We had another week full of end of school year activities.
It's hard to get a good picture of something like this without the proper equipment, but last Sunday night we were able to enjoy a lunar eclipse. |
He's also started cello lessons |
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