President's Day and so on
This week started out with a holiday. President's Day is a benign holiday and usually passes by unnoticed. It would have been the same this time, but Roy had the day off. I know he loves me when he volunteers to join me in one of my favorite activities--ice skating. Caitlyn joined us as well. We paid the $6.00 each for the free style session in order to avoid the public session (public sessions are free to me because I teach water aerobics there). Monday was also Thomas' birthday. We have been trying to find a date to celebrate with the family, but it's hard to get everyone together. We're going to aim for a day in March. Roy and I stopped at the grave but it was so cold we only stayed a minute. It was also my mother's birthday yesterday. I miss her, she was a wonderful mom. I don't mention birthdays outside of our immediate family very often, because I'm sure I'd miss someone, but it's Becky Cook's birthday t...