
Showing posts from February, 2022

President's Day and so on

 This week started out with a holiday.  President's Day is a benign holiday and usually passes by unnoticed.  It would have been the same this time, but Roy had the day off.  I know he loves me when he volunteers to join me in one of my favorite activities--ice skating.  Caitlyn joined us as well.  We paid the $6.00 each for the free style session in order to avoid the public session (public sessions are free to me because I teach water aerobics there).  Monday was also Thomas' birthday.  We have been trying to find a date to celebrate with the family, but it's hard to get everyone together.  We're going to aim for a day in March.  Roy and I stopped at the grave but it was so cold we only stayed a minute.  It was also my mother's birthday yesterday.  I miss her, she was a wonderful mom.  I don't mention birthdays outside of our immediate family very often, because I'm sure I'd miss someone, but it's Becky Cook's birthday t...

Short Letter, Uneventful Week

I ate lunch with a couple of sisters from the ward on Wednesday.  After eating and socializing, we said our goodbyes and I went out to my car.  Before I got to the car, I realized I was missing my sun-glasses.  I went through both coat pockets, my pants pockets, etc.  I knew I had them with me in the restaurant, because I used them to read the menu (I didn't bring clear glasses).  I went back to the table, looked all around and underneath.  I went back to the lobby and I would have asked someone, but no one was at the desk, so I went and checked in my car--just in case I hadn't brought them in, even though I knew I had.  They weren't in the car, so  I went and checked the table and underneath it, again.  This time I found someone at the desk so she walked to the table with me to look, and then grabbed our waiter to see if he'd picked any sunglasses up.  No luck.  We went back together to the front desk.  Just as I was giving he...

Facing towards the Temple

 I woke up this morning thinking about the tent door.  When Abraham was commanded to go to the land of Bethel, he took Lot with him.  Abraham told Lot that he could choose his piece of land first.  As the Uncle, Abraham had every right to take the most choice piece of land, but instead, he chose to be a peacemaker and allow Lot first choice.  Lot took what appeared to be the better piece of land, but it was closer to Sodom and Gomorrah.  He also pitched his tent with the door facing toward Sodom.  In contrast, when the people came to hear King Benjamin's address, in the first chapters of Mosiah in the Book of Mormon, they pitched their tent doors towards the temple.  Their hearts were open to hearing the words of their king and religious leader.  What are we supposed to learn in these stories.  Facing towards something in both these stories shows us where the hearts of the people were.  So, my question is, "Where are our doors facin...

62 years old!!!

 I had my 62nd birthday this week.  Philip pointed out that it was a very important birthday for me, as the date was 2/2/22.  I hadn't even noticed.  I think I was trying not to notice my birthday at all.  I don't feel very old, but the number "62" sounds really old.  I work (play) with a lot of ladies older than myself  when I teach water aerobics and when I ice skate.  They tell me I'm still a baby, so...I guess I better enjoy my 60's because if the rest of my life is any indication, they won't last very long. When I first started enjoying grandchildren (12 years ago), I saw a picture of Roy's parents with my children and I was a little shocked that I had reached the age my mother-in-law had been in the pictures.  It definitely goes by too quickly! I'm sure I've told this story before, but when my mom turned 75, she told me, "I'm three quarters of a century old and my life has passed 'like as it were a dream' " (see Jac...