Week of Nov. 1-7, and week of Nov. 8-14

Week of Nov. 1-7:

We had Stake Conference this weekend.  We were able to listen to both the Saturday evening session and the Sunday morning session in the car on our way home from St. George.  There were some excellent talks.  One sister spoke about how she sees online posts titled, "why I left the church," on social media.  She said, "I want to talk about why I stay."  She spoke about the many reasons she stays in the church and why she chooses to follow the prophet.  I think this is something we should all think about.  What are our reasons?  I know that I choose to stay because I have received so many blessings in my life from following the commandments set forth in the scriptures, and blessings also from the guidance that I have followed over the years from our beloved prophets and apostles.  I stay because I have a firm and abiding testimony that the doctrines taught in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints are true.  I stay because I have the hope and faith that promises made by my Savior will come to pass.  I will be with my family for eternity.  I will see Thomas again, and because of Joseph Smith, I know that I will be able to raise him in the Millennium.  I have also felt beyond doubt the comfort of my Savior in the most difficult times of my life.  I choose not to put myself in the position where I cannot turn to Him for help.  In the New Testament, after Christ feeds the 5,000, the multitude begins to realize that He won't continue to feed them physically, so they begin to fall away. Christ asks Peter, "Will ye also go away?"  Peter answers, "Lord, to whom shall we go?  Thou hast the words of eternal life. And we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God” (John 6:68–69).

 I hope you all take a few minutes to think about the reasons you stay, and recommit to follow the Savior and strengthen your testimony in Him.  

We had a fun week:


Catharine, Jieun, Dan, and the Morby's from our ward.
Our relief society had a service auction, and I bid (on Jieun's behalf
as she wasn't there) on a dinner made by the Morby's. 
Shirley went all outwith salad, fruit, jello, rolls
sweet and sour chicken, rice and banana splits for dessert.  They
had a toy room, so the kids had a great time, too.  

Andy and Elise


Ori, Avie and Effie
and Cam and Nick

The Nick Rasband family

Friday night was party time.  All our Utah families were going to come just to play games and visit.  Unfortunately, Crista's kids were sick, and AJ's dad was having more problems with his heart, so they didn't come.  And Jieun was hanging out with her mom who is here for one short week.  We still had a great times with those who were able to make it.  

Camden loved this somewhat deflated ball--probably because

 he could get a good hold on it.

We're super happy for Crista and Matt this week.  They were able to purchase Crista's dream piano.  She's such an accomplished pianist, that she deserves to play on a beautiful instrument.

Roy and I drove all the way to St. George on Friday for a concert featuring Kristen Chenoweth. She's a great entertainer and has an amazing voice.  We stayed overnight with Mike and Gloria and went for dinner at the Painted Pony with them before leaving for the concert.  

Week of November 8-14:


The main news of this week is that Roy had to have another couple of surgical procedures.  On Tuesday he had a gum graft which has helped him to lose weight--fortunately or unfortunately.  On Thursday, he went to see the eye doctor because he was seeing weirdly.  He found that he had a partially detached retina, and had to have immediate surgery on his eye on Friday.  

Pre-surgery.  With the mask you can't see all the bruises on his face from the gum graft.  After surgery he was a cyborg again.  His eye looks pretty terrible.

Roy with a young man from our ward (one of Roy's priests) who has just left on his mission. 
He didn't plan on serving a mission, but through events that started with his girlfriend inviting him to church, he developed a testimony and a desire to share it.

Caitlyn with her sister-in-law Ashley.  The Anderson's (Dallin's parents)
dog had puppies and Caitlyn is holding one.

Two adorable babies:  Yuli, who climbs on everything, and Camden who just had his
first birthday this week.

Nick with Effie in Austin, Texas.  His company
sent his whole family on a work vacation for 10 days.


Sunday Jennie and Jordan sang in their ward.  We listened on Zoom then hurried off to our own ward activities.  Later we were able to attend the Green's ward to enjoy the Primary program.  Roy and I got more attention than usual from all four of the Green children.  After a while sitting by me, Oli got up and went over to sit by his mom.  He said, "Ila's coloring with grandma so she can't tickle my back any more."  I was so amazed that the boys knew every song in the primary program.  I think that's the only primary program I've been to so far where all of my grandchildren in the program are actually singing.  They did great!


  1. Replies
    1. Yep, her shoes were causing her heels to bleed, so I carried her for a while.


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