
(Feb. 10) For the last several months Sunday has been way more relaxing than at any other time in my life.  We were attending meetings from home and, unfortunately, having family a lot less often.  I usually had plenty of time in my day to write my letter, read my scriptures, do Come Follow Me, and so on.  This past Sunday (Feb. 07), was so busy and nearly back to normal.  Therefore, I am late getting this written.  

Roy, Gunnar and Hyeji won the Good Try Award for their fishing tournament.  I don't think I even mentioned that it was a contest.  Roy didn't do it for the competition, of course, but it was a fun surprise for Hyeji and Gunnar--they won $80 each.  Roy didn't take his share 😀.  He's a nice grandpa.

Dave reminded me that it has been five years this month since the passing of my dad, and it is also my mother's birthday on the 26th.  I miss them.  I was born of goodly parents.  

I celebrated my 61st birthday on the 2nd.  I can't believe how fast time has flown by.  When my mom turned 75 she said, "I'm three-quarters of a century old and it's like my life has passed as a dream."  I understand what she meant, now.  There are a lot of things my mom said to me in my youth that it's taken me until lately for me to fully "get."

As usual, Roy made sure I had a great birthday.  First off, he made me breakfast.  The picture of the furniture is to show that the furniture we ordered in November finally arrived--on my birthday--so, while not a birthday present, it was a nice birthday present. 😊 Elise sent me a nice gift and more importantly a card expressing her love and gratitude.  Caitlyn took me skating and bought me lunch at Einstein Bagels, and Adrienne brought me lunch later in the week.    It's just the number that sounds bad.  Dan and Jieun gave me a beautiful pair of earrings, and Nick promised me a lunch later for just the two of us.  It's been a great 61st.

Looking my finest on my birthday

New furniture

Adrienne brought lunch over a day or two after my
birthday.  She offered to take me out, but I've become a real
homebody.  I'm still coughing a lot and I thought
Ila would enjoy playing at my house.

We spent time as a family on the day of Caitlyn's wedding, and then again on News Years Eve, but it has been a long time coming.  This past Sunday we invited the whole family.  It wasn't really to celebrate my birthday, but it kind of was.  It was also Greta's birthday on the fourth.  Happy birthday, Greta!  We are not a football family, so the fact that it was Superbowl Sunday wasn't even on our radar.  We were quickly informed of it by Jordan.  AJ also cares a lot about the superbowl.  The two of them, in deference to me, watched most of the superbowl at their own homes.  They came later to the dinner and the TV did get turned on, which was fine.  The half-time program was clean this year (last year we were a little shocked).  

Catharine, Dan, Camden, Bridget, Crista (holding Yuli), Dojin, Ori and Sara
all enjoying the new couch.
Jennie brought over Dance Revolution (I think that's what it's called)
and the girls had a great time dancing.

Bridget and Avie

Ila, Grandpa, Yuli and Adrienne

Yuli and Camden getting aquainted.  They are just over 
one month apart, but Camden is already showing
us who will be taller.

Adrienne and Crista

Hyeji, Dan, Yuli and Jieun

Left: Ila, Dallin, Caitlyn (lying down) and Gunnar.  Right: Sara


Left: AJ and Yuli, Right: Camden

More dancing.  Gunnar really got into it.  Someone said
he danced a little like his grandpa.  Gunnar actually looks
a lot like Roy did when he was young--different
coloring, but similar faces.  There were a few tears when someone
told Ruby she couldn't dance without a controller, but we 
told her it was absolutely fine, so she was all right.

Dallin, Greta (now 4), and Effie

Dan with his nephew, Camden

Waiting for the next song to start

Jieun with Camden, and Crista with Yuli (Crista's baby is
also sort of in this picture.  She has about 7 more weeks)

Dan, Camden and Jieun

Dallin finally got Caitlyn on the slopes.  Skiing hasn't
always been Caitlyn's friend, but she said she
had a really good time.

Roy and I made a visit over to Nick's home one night during the week.

Since it has taken me so long to get this letter written, we are well into the next week, so I'll make two weeks into one letter:
(Feb. 14)
Caitlyn had another surgery this past week. This time it was a gum graft.  With all her issues, she had some receding gums on her lower front teeth, so the dentist took tissue off the top of her mouth and implanted it on her gums.  She has stitches on both the front lower teeth and the top of her mouth.  She also has a plate to wear to protect the roof of her mouth.  She can take it out now (it's been more than 24 hours), but she can wear it as much as she wants.  I think she wants to wear it--it's pretty raw in there.  This time Dallin has taken care of her, so we haven't seen her except when we took them over some soup.

I was finally healthy enough to help Nick out with his girls this week.  Sara has really struggled since she had the baby.  I think Jieun is also struggling.  Both of them get so sick through their pregancies and afterwards have some post-partum issues (depression and anxiety).  Of course, when mom suffers everyone suffers, so I know it's been a really hard time for both families.  I think everyone in our family is struggling in one way or another right now.  2020 has been a hard year for everyone, and unfortunately, 2021 hasn't changed anything, though I'm sure things will gradually get better now.  I took Nick's girls on Wednesday afternoon for a few hours.  We made cookies and played games.  Dan's kids came over and played with them for about an hour and they had a good time.   It feels so good to be able to see my grandkids again.  Even though we're all struggling in our own way, we still have many blessings.  The greatest blessing is the relationships we have with each other.  I'm so grateful for all of you.  Wednesday also happened to be Yuna's birthday.  She is now 7.  Happy birthday to Yuna!

Roy took Yuna to lunch and to Target for her birthday.  She wanted an In & Out burger.  She picked out some art supplies, an outfit, some shoes, and then announced, "I'm done shopping."  That was good since she'd exhausted her birthday budget.  
Later in the week I had a bit of a COVID relapse, either that or I got another bug because my immune system is low or something.  I woke up coughing and sneezing with a terrible runny nose.  I thought, "here I go again," but luckily the next day I was pretty much fine.  It could be that I've been pushing myself so hard to get back into exercise and other activities.  
Saturday we met Crista and Matt in Logan,  It was snowing, and sadly they were side swiped in sardine canyon on their way to meet us.  We met for lunch at Zupas, then Crista and I took Greta shopping for her birthday.  Crista guided her so she could put some of the birthday budget in Greta's UESP fund.  Greta had a fun time looking and a hard time deciding what she wanted.  Dad and Matt went shooting together, and then Dad met Crista back at the aquarium in the Layton Mall.  I had to leave to get to a sewing class in Murray, so I missed out on the fun.  

Matt, target shooting

I am learning a lot in this sewing class because it requires precise cutting and precise seams.  I have to be super careful not to stretch the fabric at all.  The seams have to match, but it's not squares, so it's a lot more difficult.  
Roy and I want to eat better and lose some weight, but it's so hard when things like this keep happening:
This was from Fadel's jewelry as a thank you, but the
way the baker wrote the card, it looked like Roy had
a new girlfriend.

I also want to give a shout out to Andy this week.  He was reviewed for his year of residency and received excellent marks.  Elise said the bad news was that it probably means he'll be chief resident next year.  Andy will like it, but Elise said he'll be even busier.  We're proud of you Andy!

Spiritual thought/activity for the week:
The seventh chapter of Moroni in the Book of Mormon tells you how to test spiritual promptings.  Read it carefully--over and over.  Boyd K Packer, 1994.

I'm going to study this chapter throughout the week.  If you happen to study or read it, too, send me your thoughts.


  1. I’ll have to study that with that in mind. Sorry about your accident Crista!! You look super cute pregnant though! Love and miss you all

  2. The game was called just dance. Dance dance revolution was a game on the ps2 that we used to have.


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