Shakespheare Festival
First, a few more kids head back to school. Logan's school district started a week later than Davis County, and Davis County started 2 weeks after the Augusta, Ga. kids. Once Bridget gets into Kindergarten next week, all the kids will be back to school. Todd. I'm pretty sure that Todd knows how to smile naturally--just not for the camera. Ruby and Greta Shakespeare Festival Roy, Catharine, Darrell and Shelley Miles We go every year to the Shakespeare Festival in Cedar City. We used to pick and choose our plays, sometimes skipping them because we didn't think they sounded interesting, and other times because we'd seen the play before. After interacting with other festival goers, we would always hear, "Did you see ___? it was so awesome..." And we'd regret that we hadn't; so, we started to see every play offered each season. That's seven plays. Then to top it off, we sometimes see a play that is from a new playwright where the ac...