
Showing posts from March, 2021

Finalmente Unas Vacaciones

  Finally, after a year plus of COVID paranoia, we felt that we could travel to Mexico.  We had planned on going in December, but the National Health organization said, "Don't travel to Mexico."  So, we stayed home and both of us got COVID (I have to say it was better to get it in the states than in Mexico--we might have gotten stuck there).  We scheduled another trip for the end of March, beginning of April--then we remembered we had a new grandbaby coming, so we rescheduled one week earlier.  We were excited to get out of dodge. We planned on being a bit early to the airport so that we could buy lunch to eat on the airplane and also avoid the stress of rushing.  Of course, that meant our flight would inevitably be delayed--as it was, by an hour or so.  We purchased our Cobb salads from Market Street then proceeded to wait.   I had also stashed one orange for me and Roy to share, and some grapes.   While waiting, I heard some lad...

Just some thoughts

 As you all know, I'm the secretary for the Cook Family Organization.  Each month we meet to discuss genealogy and the projects we are working on as a committee.  One of the things that has been done recently are some great little videos on the Phineas Wolcott Cook Family Organization Facebook page. I hope you'll all take a minute to watch these videos and learn a little bit about Phineas' grandfathers--Daniel Cook, and Jonathon Churchhill.  Daniel Cook served faithfully in the revolutionary war.  Marcia Marshall is on the committee with me and she has spent a lot of time trying to build up our social media presence.  Besides the videos she regularly posts stories and anecdotes.  Please check out our Facebook site. Yesterday at the meeting we talked about the economics of the time, and Brent Hale, another committee member, had written up a little pamphlet of Phineas' ledgers that he kept.  It gav...

Lots of things going on

  Roy was asked to write the opening article for our ward newsletter this month.  He wrote the following:             The Lord is our light “The Lord is our light and, literally, our salvation…..His light will form a protective shield between you and the darkness of the adversary as you live worthy of it….learn to claim the protective light of the gospel as your own. You may ponder, ‘How can I do that?’ There is only one way: you must learn to generate that light each day by believing on Jesus Christ and following His commandments….                 “The generation of spiritual light comes from daily spiritual pedaling.  It comes from praying, studying the scriptures, fasting, and serving” (Robert D. Hales, “Out of the Darkness into His Marvelous Light” 70) Everyone has had an interesting last 12 month to say the least.  I cannot remember any time in my lif...