
Newport, RI (week of Sept. 29 to Oct. 5)

Roy had a buisness conference in Newport Rhode Island this past week.  We were gone from Sunday morning until late Thursday night.  Note: Don't go so far if you're only going to be there 3 day😀.  Our first full day there we were able to go on a large sailboat.  I even helped hoist a sail (thanks to Roy volunteering me).  It was a beautiful day.  We enjoyed mid 60 degree temperatures each day and with the sunshine, it was perfect.  The first night we had lobster for dinner.  It was enjoyable, but expensive.  I think I have a bit of my dad in me because I felt like it was too much to spend for one meal.  I also decided I like shrimp and crab better than lobster, though it was very good.            There were several regattas during our stay.  Our hotel was right on the ocean This house is on an island in the middle of the bay.  It can only be accessed by boat.  We were told that it can be rented out--for $15,000 per week.  It does have 10 bedrooms...but only one bath. Tuesday wa

Hurricane Helene

We felt that Crista needed a little more post surgery help, so Roy and I spent two full days and two nights in Logan.  Crista's very capable, but Matt had a conference and was going to be out of town until Wednesday night and Crista only has two hands. I felt such a strong bond with Zack this trip.  I know he loved his grandpa, too.  When we were getting ready to leave, the whole family came out to the driveway.  Crista was holding Zack facing away from her.  Roy walked over, leaned in and said, "Goodbye, Zack."  Zack reached out with both arms to him.  Crista said that was the first time he'd done that.  Roy leaned toward him a little more and Zack put his hands on his face.  It was such a sweet moment. Grandpa always makes sure there are good things to eat when we come to stay.   I took three of the five children to the park to get them out of the house for a little bit.  Bridget (who has a new way of smiling for pictures) and I made a house for Todd's cars.  It

Zack's 5th surgery

Little Zack had his first palate surger on Monday (Sept. 16).  The doctor decided to fix only the soft palate, because sometimes when she fixes the hard palate in a baby this young, it will become misshapen before they can do the bone graft to give it more support.  If his gap had been closed a little bit more, the surgeon may have been able to go ahead with the hard palate.  We had thought it would mean one less surgery if they closed it up now, but since he has to have the bone graft regardless, it is the same amount of surgeries.  Zack has had 5 surgeries so far in his 9 months of life.  Luckily, he's a little trooper and seems to deal well with the discomfort.   Roy and I went to Logan to watch over the kids while Crista and Matt attended to Zack at Primary Children's.  Jana Vance was up there Sunday to Monday evening.  We headed up Monday, late afternoon, to take over for her.  Surprisingly, Crista and Matt were able to leave the hospital late Monday night.  They had a mal